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In 380 BC Plato penned the The Republic which included the idea that women should not wear lead based makeup although most of us don't read sit around thumbing Plato I bet a lot of us remember the "Don't eat lead paint chips" campaign of the late 80s. Unfortunately lead is just the tipping point when it comes today's cosmetic choices. Between micro-beads - that are currently impossible to filter out of our water supply - run of the mill carcinogens, and embalming fluids- that will rot your face - we have a lot to talk about so Check Back!


In the mean time run Bath and Beauty products through Skin Deep before you buy!


Download Skin Deep's Mobile App too - helps you make sound choices at the grocery store a cinch! (This was the 1st App my eldest downloaded and has saved a lot of conversations about why she can't have product XYZ!) 


Check back in May for the full run down!


The Natural Beautification Project

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